EnCompass is a water application made smarter. It’s the next level in accurate application by corner arms, with intelligent water uniformity that automatically adjusts as the corner moves. And as your yield increases, so does your bottom line. We’re an authorized Valley Irrigation dealer in Plainfield and Beloit, WI, providing high-quality parts and equipment.
- Bring unmatched uniformity to your entire field to maximize the yield of corner areas.
- GPS data is used to automatically adjust corner sprinkler control in real-time.
- Corner arm sprinklers pulse on and off, providing the exact flow needed.
- Automatic Application Adjustments for Any Field.
- Operate in a leading or trailing position allowing for superior application uniformity in any direction or around any obstacle.
- Apply water evenly across the field.
- Simple to operate with automatic water application adjustments
- Sprinklers are individually controlled to maximize uniformity under the corner span
- Available on all Valley corner models
- Compatible with both Below Ground Guidance & Valley GPS Guidance
- 3-Way valve option available for surface water applications
- New or Existing Valley Corners
- ClassicPlus, Select, Pro, or ICON pivot control panels
- 2-Way or 3-Way VRI iS valves